Play Reading (led by Chris Wilson)
Date: Thursday 2 May 2024
Time: 19h30
Venue: Foyer Européen, 10 Rue Heinrich Heine
Free admission
Please register before 29 April:
The House of Atreus
(A one-act play inspired by the Greek myths)
If you enjoy the intrigue, drama and deceit of a good soap opera, then you will almost
certainly enjoy coming along to take part in this month’s play reading. Based on various
Greek tragedies, it is the story of Agamemnon and Clytaemnestra and their disfunctional
Agamemnon and his army are waiting to go and wage war on Troy, but a lack of wind is
preventing their army from sailing. Agamemnon believes that this may be because he has
killed the sacred deer of the goddess Artemis. His brother Menelaus and Calchas the priest
convince him that if he sacrifices his daughter Iphigenia then Artemis will forgive him and a
fair wind will fill their sails. From such a savage beginning events can only go downhill fast!
Come and join us to find out what happens next at Le Foyer on May 2nd at 7.30 pm….…..